Let me introduce you to Caps For Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina.
This is a wonderful story..."A Tale of a Peddler, Some Monkeys and Their Monkey Business" as it is also known. It was originally written in 1938.Growing up in the 80's, this book was a must at my bedtime when I was little. I will never forget my parents would read this story to me and imitate the actions and voice of the peddler as he meandered throughout the town trying to sell his stack of caps he wore on his head. When he is confronted with monkeys who steal his caps when he is sleeping, the peddler is so frustrated and tries everything he can to get them back!
Does he get them back? You will have to read it to see ;)....or google it since now we are in the 21st century and have such a luxury.
Back in my day (sounds funny coming from me), when the Reading Rainbow guy posed this question, I really did have to read it to find out.
What's even better about this book, and why it means so much to me, is that it has stood the test of time and wear...now cozy on the bookshelf in my daughters room. Its so fun for me to read it to her several nights a week when she excitedly requests "caps" for one of her bedtime stories.
I try to make the voices and actions just as I remember my parents doing, and much to my enjoyment, she can recite half of the story back to me in her own cute voices.
The handrawn pictures are also a special treat.
Books are a necessity in our house, and I prefer them over any toy or stuffed animal that can be bought. I hope this book can bring joy to another family, as it has done mine for the past 25+ years.
The book is perfect for ages 2+, in my opinion....even an older child would enjoy it.
It is available in English and Spanish, so the winner can let me know which they prefer.
Give it as a gift, use it in a classroom or donate it to a child who may not get new books often.
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Winning comment will be chosen on 4/27/12...my daughter's 3rd birthday!
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