DIY Craft Caddy and Beginnings of "Our Created Dollhouse"

Thank you for reaching my blog, and I hope you will enjoy whatever posts you find to read.
I appreciate all of my 200 facebook fans...I was excited to reach that milestone, and just really like having the opportunity to talk creativity with anyone who chooses to participate.

I am a mom, Marine wife and I like the blogging world, but don't know too much about it yet. I think of it as a virtual diary type thing I can use as an outlet while I work to be a stay at home mom.
I know that is the same spiel many bloggers have, and its hard to be unique in this world of blogging. All I can say is I hope you will stay and become a bloggy friend of mine.

You've caught my blog at a transition time right now, as I am preparing to revamp my page to look exactly how I want it. I envision something much more creative and pretty than the blue stripes you see as my background. I plan on having easy buttons for visitors to find the topics I like to talk about most.

"Our created KITCHEN"--all things food...I strive to feed my family real food
"Our created CRAFTS"-- all things DIY and family friendly
"Our created FAMILY"--personal stories/events
 "Life Created PHOTO"--my photography hobby
and a couple more ideas are in the works...

One of the most exciting things this blog will be about is "Our Created DOLLHOUSE".. this will include custom, hand-drawn paper dolls as well.
I think having fun with paper dolls will be a fun creative time for us to spend together...away from anything electronic.

We are starting a dollhouse from the ground up. I am still pending on the idea of what our house structure will be (a kit of from scratch), but we have started brainstorming furniture and fun inspiration ideas for the house.

This past week my 3 year old had fun painting her chairs...but before I get to that, I want to show you a craft caddy I made in about 15 minutes using recycled materials we had laying around. You can do this too and it is so easy!

The super nice thing about this caddy is that it hold tall things like:

There are some caddies you can buy, but they don't hold tall things very easily. Also, why spend the cash, when you can make something for free?

Before we started eating more of a real food diet, I used to buy crystal light. I had several of the containers I was going to recycle, but saved 4 of them for this project.

I wrapped the top of them with a cute paper tape I had.

Find a cheap hanger you get free at department stores, and cut of the last few inches on each side with a sharp pair of scissors.

 Hot glue the containers in pairs....side by side

Sandwich the hanger with hot glue in between the glued pairs.

 This caddy will be the perfect addition to future dollhouse creating days!

Here are a few of the doll house inspirations we have so far:

and chair painting day:

 I let my daughter paint the chairs their base colors, and then after they dried, I added the finishing touches. A few white painting spots, their names, and amaturely-sewn seat covers. ;)
I can't wait to make more with her!