A Random-filled Tuesday

Oh how I wish I had something super wise and funny to share with you today...unfortunately, all I have is this short few minutes I could steal away...having 2 mobile kids has changed my life!! I am lucky if I get to blow my nose with both hands for a quick second...

Our lives are in a big transition, as you may know....

You see, this is a monumental week for us. For the first time in 9 years, I know my husband as a civilian.
How weird is this?? {I think to myself}
Its only been a week and a half since his haircut, and already he's feeling his head saying "I can't believe how much hair I have!" LOL...It is a little long, but Im letting him decide when he wants to get his next haircut. Secretly, I am hoping he doesn't go more than 2 weeks since I love his hair short.

Already, he's answered his phone a time or two with  "Sgt. Stu-----.....umm.,..this is Levi"....its going to be an adjustment for all of us.

He's finding freedom in the little things, like deciding if he wants to shave in the morning or put on a belt. These were things that have become so routine.

How many prospects does he have for next month?? This infamous question no longer applies...and it makes both of us a little relieved.

This past week I have been a little under the weather...remember me mentioning that gray cloud of doom over my head? Well, it rears its ugly head in my life daily when I get ugly letters from the bank in the mail reminding me that this and that are missing, and our short sale process is in litigation. All of these mailers are routine, and we are doing everything we can, but getting this useless & negative mail everyday (almost) is not helping. You'd think banks would be interested in saving money, but the cost of a stamp is nothing to them, I guess.

It's even sort of put a damper on my craftiness...haven't made anything these last few days, which is abnormal for me.

I am remembering that God has this situation in His hand, just like he does everything else.
He thinks about my life's situation and me more than I know...the Bible says in Psalms

17 How amazing are your thoughts concerning me, God!
How vast is the sum of them!
18 Were I to count them,
they would outnumber the grains of sand—
when I awake, I am still with you.

If you've ever visited the beach with your kids, and had the pleasure of cleaning up sand off of your floor, you know sand is minuscule and scatters everywhere. God thinks of us more than each of those pesky granules.

Well, I know its Tuesday, so keep on doing what your doing. Think of ways to serve someone in your life somehow...it will make you feel good.

I have a basket of groceries Ive been wanting to donate..thinking of putting it in my car to give to someone I find in need...but then again, groceries in a hot car probably wouldn't be good.

As I sit in my air conditioned house when its 100+ degrees outside, and get the joy of playing with my healthy children, I can't help but be thankful.
Have a great 6-19-12!