1. I don't have it all together.
Did you know that half the time I take a picture of something, I probably have the camera in one hand, and my 11 month old in the other? The table might be covered with toys and I happened to clear off one corner so that I could have a clutter-free picture.
That food I took a picture of left a sink overflowing with dishes, but I didn't show you that.
Half of the posts I write are written past 9pm or before 7 am and I am in my pajamas.
2. I have FREE sponsor spots.
You may ask, why? Well, really the only cost is a friendship with me. Do you read my blog? Do you subscribe and follow on Facebook or GFC? Do you ever comment on posts? If you do, then Id love to get to know your blog or FB page too. Feel free to send me the HTML for your ad, and I will put it up. If one month, you don't see your ad, its simply because I am adding new ads, and will rotate some newer and older ads monthly. Yours will show up again :)
3. My stats may be laughable to some.
I don't know whats "good" and "pathetic" but I got 8500 views in July. I have 309 FB followers and 82 GFC followers. I think the numbers are on the rise, so if you want to stick around and get to know my blog, Id love to know you too!
4. Unfortunately, you will rarely see a good picture of me, since Im the one behind the camera.
Soon I will make my husband take photos of me, so that when bloggers who feature me ask for a photo of me, I don't have to send them a year old picture of me holding my newborn LOL.
All I have recently are blurry pictures...I gotta get some new pictures QUICK!
5. I appreciate every comment.
Comments are my way of knowing you read a post. It gives more purpose and satisfaction to blogging, and I read every one. If you liked something I wrote, Id like to hear your feedback.
Thank you for liking my blog....next week these are two projects I will be showing, so stay tuned ;)