Photo Challenge With Agape Love

I just love the Agape Love & Designs blog. Maria is so nice, informative and super helpful in the areas of DIY, blogging how-to and inspiration! She also started a photo link up and this week's topic is faceless portraits.
Here are three faceless pictures I have...there were so many, I had a hard time just picking 3!

1: The picture of my husband holding our 2nd baby just minutes after she was born. He missed the birth of our first baby since he was deployed, so this was a new experience for him. He was so happy! (I don't know if this one is truly faceless, since it sort of shows his profile) ;?

2: My daughters "fumpkin". "Where is thumpkin" is a popular song with my 3 year old, so one day she grabbed a marker and drew "fumpkins" on her fingers. She was so proud to show me what she had done! LOL

3: While I was taking my baby's 9 month photos, she stopped crawling through the grass to sit up. She was moving non stop, so to take this quick picture of her from behind, with grass all over her back.

Go check out Agape Love and Designs if you need a great blog to read!

Manic Mother