Even Monopoly Man Got Turned Down

Sometimes the world's voice is louder that Gods (it seems) but only He can whisper to our heart.

The world's voice constantly yells "COMPARE COMPARE COMPARE".
Its enough to make a person crazy with feelings of inadequacy.

The inadequacy makes us not want to try new things, and we keep repeating the cycle of being in one place, and hoping for another. For me, photography is one of those things.

As I delve into books and websites about product photography, I realize it is right up my alley. The first sentence in the first page of a book I just bought perfectly describes what I like to do with photography, and what I have unknowingly been doing for the past 3 years.  Being able to control every aspect of a picture: the lighting, the angles, the setting...its just what I love, and is also why taking pictures of people/things that move is so much harder for me.

From the time I made my first invitations, I was unknowingly "staging" or "styling" my own photos with my little point and shoot camera. I would create some invitations or place cards, get my TV tray and move it to the front porch where there was better light. I'd lay down a pretty napkin, and adjust the invitation and whatever else on the table, and take a bunch of pictures, trying to capture what I want the viewer to see.
Here are a few with zero editing from the 2009 archives....you can tell I was just starting out

Since then, I've experimented with taking pictures of anything I can- just to better understand how cameras work, lighting, and all of the other things trained photographers already know. I took a workshop from Jessica Downey Photography that inspired me to use "manual mode" and Ive never gone back.

a picture I took at her workshop

I am realizing that sometimes I craft just so I can take the picture of whatever I make.
Crafting is feeding my photography.

I feel like its time to make a leap!
 Having a crafty shop on ETSY is fine, and I love it, but I think I want to take photography of handcrafted things to the next level.

 I want to find a way to make it profitable.
How will I make this work? I am not sure.
 I've still got A LOT to learn, but everyone has to start somewhere.

I can continue to write local bakeries and shops, hoping for at least a reply-even if its "no".

I can keep praying and keep practicing, and remind myself that even the maker of Monopoly got turned down by Parker Brothers when he submitted his game for review.

If you are feeling led to make something- make it!
If you've been feeling like you want to go somewhere or do something new- do it!

Do let the appearance of things keep you from trying something.

 Product photography is a key example of making things appear how they really are not. This picture from one of the books I got teaches me how to trick customers who look at fashion.

Don't be tricked into thinking you have to be more than God made you to be.