Wetting the bed...My Noel

As we come up on my first daughter's 4th birthday, I am remembering milestones in her life. Some recent days have been tough, as her little attitude may appear in not so nice ways, but she's still that good girl I have loved every day since we found out about her.

That day was crazy. I was at the vet hospital with our new dog, getting her first set of shots done. My husband met me there and decided before the vet was to come in, he should tell me he's leaving on deployment. It seems I got about a minute to process that news before she came in and assessed our dog.

We had been trying to have a baby for about 4 months by that time, so we went home and decided we'd wait until he got back to start trying again. Being in a military town, you know women who have had to have babies without their husband's there, and that was NOT going to be me. 

We had dinner plans that night with friends, so we hurried home to get changed. I had one more pregnancy test in the drawer and decided to take it real quick before we left. 

Two lines appeared...my mouth dropped, and I left the bathroom, headed to our room and waving the stick in my husband's face without words to say. He thought it was a thermometer and looked at it a few minutes before we both were just in shock.

5 months later, we had our ultrasound and found out we were expecting a girl.
We decided her name over dinner the next night at a Mexican restaurant.

The day after that, around midnight, he loaded that bus and said goodbye to both of us.

4 months later, she was born. 
It was just her and I...little buddies doing everything when we wanted and how we wanted.
She slept with me for the 5 more months of his deployment and those were the best nights of sleep I have ever had. 
the night he came back!
Fast forward a few years to last night. I have recently become lax with her water drinking habits at night, so she woke up as my husband was leaving for work. She was starting to wet her bed, and quickly called to go potty. My husband swooped her up and I took it from there.

I have heard not-so-nice reactions parents can have when their kids have this happen, but I just can't comprehend having any attitude but compassion. She says sadly, over and over "it was an accident", as she holds her nightgown up and I wash her off in the shower. I let her know its ok, and mommy with take care of everything. I give her new panties, and she spends the rest of the night cuddled in my bed with me since da-da is gone, and we don't want to wake up sister.

It took me about 30 minutes and a lot of strength to fight off tears as she put her arm on my shoulder and patted it. 

Im reminded of our old times cuddling in the bed at night. 
She is my cutie and I can't believe she's almost 4.

The Life Of Faith