Posted on 10:58 PM by Unknown
If you've read my blog for a while, you may know I have an alley behind my house where people often leave things they don't want anymore. Conveniently, I have found several items in that alley, and a couple of months ago, one of those things was this old fence.(Bad cell phone picture)It was tall and heavy, but boards were loose and I immediately thought I could use the planks for projects.My sister in law happens to be engaged and planning a rustic/lace outdoor wedding in August, and making these wedding signs for her was simply a no-brainer.The wood was free, and the only supplies needed were paint and a brush!(Technically, I also needed a hammer and saw to take out nails and cut the wood to size)Once my planks were cut, I typed out the words she wanted in a font being used on her invitations. This would be my guide for eyeballing the painted words onto the planks.
Ta-da! So easy, and almost free.
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