Disneyland Trip, It's May!

Happy May!
I can't believe we are officially in the 5th month of this year already!

May is going to be a fun month of big and small projects, so I'd love to have you follow me on Pinterest and Facebook to stay in "the know." Also, its not too late to become a sponsor with a sidebar ad!

Disneyland was a wonderful getaway from all of the moving stresses, but returning home to a bunch of things to unpack wasn't so great.
After going to Disneyland for the 3 day park hopper pass we got, I have to say it went so well, and we all had such fun! Staying at a hotel just across the street surely was a great idea and came in handy with having two small kids.

If you know me personally, you may know I plan things. Not only do I plan, but if things don't work according to the plan, I tend to get frustrated. Lucky for me, before we left, I gave myself a mental pep-talk that if this birthday trip doesn't accomplish all that I have "planned", the one thing that matters is that my girls have fun. 

The Baked Equation helped me start the road trip off right, with these adorable cookies that were so yummy:

Noel won't remember the few things I had wasted money on, that she wanted nothing to do with....(ahem..an expensive custom snow white shirt from ETSY)....but she will remember so much more.
Bottom line...you are going to spend money. Just get over it now, and suck it up.

The lines were temporary and the laughs were worth everything we went through to get there.
In all, the memories we made were priceless. 

I think Disney is one of those things you splurge for once in a while...and this trip really will be something we remember forever. My girls running up and hugging the characters, watching the shows and parade...their abounding fun can be summed up by noel's parade face:

If you pinterest "Disneyland", you will become overwhelmed with tips for the park. There are secrets and things to know that only the "insiders" know. 

I say, know your kids.
Know their attitudes and tendencies. 
Relax and have fun.

The best things I did to prepare for this trip were:

1) Dye-free juice lollipops from Trader Joes to keep kids occupied in lines
2) Bring your own food snacks- apple sauce pouches, water bottles
3) Got a hotel across the street (Howard Johnson....affordable with an awesome pool/slides the kids loved)
4) Disney character dining- Goofy's Kitchen and Ariel's Grotto are the places to go

Thanks for following LifeCreated and being "with" me these past 2 months during our move and trip.
