As a crazy lady, most of the things that they advice you to do now, I've already thought about/looked into/bought.
Timetables and checklists as I go, is probably something I'm not on the ball about. I don't know when's best to send out invites, to book venues or to buy wedding rings. I just want it all now now now.
I thought I'd let you know how we're getting on with the very start of our planning though, and if you're in the same time frames as us, hopefully this will help you out too ♥
The majority of our close friends and family are aware, either we've told them, or our parents have passed on our good news. We have also decided to have an Engagement celebration, inviting all potential wedding guests to the party. As we're getting married in Orlando, we thought this would also be a good time to announce to everyone.
Our Disney accommodation for the wedding-moon is booked, something I couldn't stop my self doing! We now have a rough week or so guide to let people know, if they wanted to come out and support us there. We've also spoke about parties here, I know what I want, it's just finding the venue for the right price.
Our Disney accommodation for the wedding-moon is booked, something I couldn't stop my self doing! We now have a rough week or so guide to let people know, if they wanted to come out and support us there. We've also spoke about parties here, I know what I want, it's just finding the venue for the right price.
I asked my Bridesmaids on Friday, was a little emotional, but it went well. Sian and Clare are "Bridesmaids" but unless they come out to Florida, they're aware they are more there just for support and what bridesmaids should do, just without the official title. My third Bridesmaid is my sister, Becky. She was always in the running, and as she will be coming out with us, it will be wonderful just to have some one there for me.
The lovely girls at Chelsea Doll, kindly gifted them "Bridesmaid" name necklaces. Perfect for any bridal outing, hen party, wedding fayre and of course the engagement party. I'm so happy I've left them with this, and they know I need their support, I just hope and wish they decide they're able to come out. Not having my friends there would probably be the worst thing that could happen, however my dream of getting married in Florida over takes all that. It's a dream that can, and hopefully will come true, and so it's not something I want to give up for anyone.