I like to called it
August Mondays
Every Monday in August is set aside to help a non profit family or group who could always use help funding their cause. Great groups of people will be blessed if you help spread the word!
50% of ETSY sales that happen today are going to help an adorably nice pint-sized blogger I came across last month. Her blog is the story of their family's mission to fulfill God's plan in their life, and they live solely on the support others give to their family.
Here's a little bit from Mackenzie:
My name is Mackenzie, and I blog at Life of a Pint-Sized Mama! My husband and I, along with our 8 month old son, serve with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) out of Montana. We have the privilege of helping to train and then send out young missionaries all over the world! So far we've been able to lead teams of young adults to serve in South East Asia, Central Asia, and Central America. We love the Lord, we love people, and we are grateful that we get to serve Him in this way. I want to thank Stephanie for hosting August Mondays, she has such an encouraging and generous heart!
So won't you head over to the shop, and order a little something to help this family out.
If you spend $6, $3 goes straight to them, and that's enough for a gallon of milk or two!
This family is truly an example of trusting in God's provision.
Thank you!
(and check back next Monday for a new recipient)