All I can do is keep sharing ideas and things that have value to me, even if other people get in the way or choose to ignore me. One of those things I want to share, is the importance of a letter.
Your handwriting- your thoughts- being written for that special someone.
I don't know about you, but I am a real sentimental person who loves to collect memories and write things down. Did you know I still write letters back and forth with my 5th grade teacher?
None of our letters these past 20 years have been done on the computer-- Plain old paper and pen is the way we have kept in touch.
Did you know kids are graduating high school now, barely understanding the way to address a letter?That is so sad to me.
Letters and notes are what began my relationship with my {now} husband, and I am so thankful he saved the letters so that I now have a record of times we were going through.
I have stacks of cards just waiting to be chronologically organize and punched for a binder. I am sure these will be treasures to our kids one day.

Even now, and even though I was the one who wrote them, so many of those memories and words of love and encouragement seem new to me as I read them. Did I really just say that? Did I really feel that way?

I know Ive mentioned it before, but nearly all of the 4 years we dated was done over the phone or by letter.
I wrote tons of letters.
I also attempted a diary for a year and its fun to read over the first pages when I talked about Levi as a friend. By the end, I was writing things like
"All I need is a loving man- in love with God, and then in love with me."

Memories are something to be cherished, and I know with the digital age we are in, writing handmade letters and notes really is a passing art. Like black and white photos, letters of encouragement and love can tell a story- your story.
When deployment came around and caused him to leave for Iraq when I was 5 months pregnant, my letter writing skills came back around. I sent letters and boxes to him regularly. When our first baby was born, he had been able to listen on the phone, and I mailed him a card with some of her newborn baby things.
I want to encourage everyone to choose snail mail when you have the option to sit a minute and write. Never let chances to tell someone you are thinking of them slip away.
Sure, emails are nice, texting is instant, but a letter is priceless. It shows you took time and care to think of someone. Who knows what kind of day the person is having, but when they get their mail, they get that extra surprise.
I love cards so much, that I would like to send a few readers some stationary for free.
Please email me at if you would like a few notes you can mail to someone.
Thank you if you read my blog.