Welcome. The Story ♥

Hello, welcome to "Wedding Dreams" a new and exciting wedding blog. I have high hopes for my new baby and hope I have the same passion as I do for my Style diary & Lifestyle blog- Stephanie Dreams. This blog will let me plan ideas, collect inspiration, show DIY's and general musings and loves of weddings inside, out.
So, welcome welcome.
This is where it all starts.

May the 4th was a very special day to me, I still get giddy thinking about it now, and a huge smile crosses my face. My heart starts thumping, and I feel rather emotional....it's the day I got engaged ♥
The majority of you won't be aware of what a crazed fool I am, getting married is the one thing in life I dream of, and to marry my Best Friend is beyond anything in this world. I've known I want to marry Sam for years, and although in some ways I felt the time was coming, the proposal was a total shock. Such an over whelming, and special time. 
For Christmas, Sam had bought me an Afternoon Tea voucher, and as we were in London watching Viva Forever, we decided to make a Weekend of it & book the tea then. We arrived at a lovely hotel, and was seated early, all the way over in the corner with no one around. I of course had to take a photo of everything before we even sat down, and then when we were sat down. I was excited to take photos of the afternoon tea for Stephanie Dreams (they're not half as good as I wanted, the emotion got to me!) but then I had something else to get excited about. They bought our tea cups out, along with the platter of goodies, Sam must have felt years passing, but as I flipped over my tea cup, there laid a stunning engagement ring. My engagement ring. Everything else Sam said went into a whirl wind, exited, scared, over whelmed, over joyed. So many emotions crossed my mind. I didn't think it was real. 
The Champagne came out, and I just about managed a scone and cake. I kept looking down at my ring, and up to my fiancée. I felt that we were there for ages, but I just didn't want to leave, I wanted to stay there forever and soak up every special moment and memory.
We carried on celebrating through the Weekend, we managed to get awesome seats for Viva (which was fun, but you're not missing a lot!) and more Champagne at Hix with Sam's sister. 
Sam, you are my everything. My world and everything around it. You make me strong, and deal with my weakness's. I love you with every breath you take, you keep me real & sensible, you're always there for me and take my blog photos at a drop of hat. You're my best friend and my true love.